Sunday, February 27, 2011

The quest, continued . . .

The quest continues, with batch number two....

As a former biology major and science teacher, I am familiar with the scientific method, and I shamefully disregarded it as I experimented with three variables, instead of one.

Variable #1 -- Dark brown sugar, and even less white sugar.
Deemed successfull!!

Variable #2 -- Flour -- used two types,
but I'm not ready to reveal the new formula yet--
still working on this!

Variable #3 -- Refrigeration -- a suggestion
that came from even more research.
Who knew the New York Times could be so helpful??

Photo experiment --
did not actually impact the cookie taste, color or shape.
I'm just trying for a different look here.
Which cookie says, "Pick me, pick me!!!" most loudly to YOU?

These were actually baked earlier in the week, and already consumed--shared with two of the stalwart volunteers at the Class B District 12 and Region 6 boys and girls basketball tournaments (more about that to come later).

By the way, I'm staying with REAL BUTTER at this point.  Fortunately, this recipe only makes about two dozen small cookies or 18 big ones--easy disposal!!  (Notice the chocolate chip font color? Nice touch, eh?)

Round three of the cookie quest was completed this evening, with one variable.  Most of those cookies also have a designated recipient.

Your turn will come.

Still have work to do, but I'm getting closer. 

Much closer.  In fact, I bought two specialty bakery cookies earlier this week on a trip to the big city in NW North Dakota and for the first time ever, wished I had one of mine instead.

More to come...keep following your own quests, by the way.  Success may be closer than you realize.

And don't be afraid to mix up your variables!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The cookie quest . . .

As if the days are not full enough, I have started a cookie quest,
and you can read more about it here.
Blame it on a bad sinus infection and even worse daytime television.
I turned to the Internet and started searching.

A cookie lover has to do what a cookie lover has to do.
I'm not getting any younger, and this is the year to discover
--or develop--
the chocolate chip cookie recipe of my dreams.

Presented here are the results of my first attempt
with a new recipe.
Click on any photo for a mouth-watering, actual size image.

It holds promise.

But not perfection.

The quest continues....
Recipe suggestions are MOST welcome!!  I also share cookies very willingly.

What is your quest this month, of the serious or silly variety?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Turkey pen . . .

 Early February 2011
Turkey pen . . .

For your reference...Top board of pen stands closes to seven feet high.

Turkey patience . . .

So, how are you faring this winter?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Handmade 2011 . . .

My Alaskan friend

introduced me to this concept--

A Handmade 2011:
I promise to send something handmade
to the first 5 people who leave a comment.
They must in turn post
this (where they wish)
and send something they made
to the first 5 people who comment on their status.

The rules are that it must be handmade by you
and it must be sent to your 5 people 2011.
Let's all work toward
a more handmade life!


Please join in.
Your handmade "something" need not be
It needs only to be

(And cookies definitely COUNT!!)

(P.S. The gorgeous beads are by ginnovations on Etsy.
Respond soon!!) 

Even if you DON'T choose to participate, what's your favorite sort of handmade?

As a child, it was cookies from one grandmother and quilts by the other.

Today (not that I do all these myself),
still quilts....
And beadwork,
mixed media and collage,
canned sunshine in the form of jams, jellies, relishes and salsas,
art crafted of silver and stone,
crocheted dishclothes in a rainbow of colors,
yarns knit together,
 embroidery, cross-stitch
and stories and poems.

Always stories and poems.